Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Look at NJREREPORT Posts

Today we will be starting another series: A Look at NJREREPORT posts.

This blog has only been up for less than 24 hours and already the renters are in shock that the market is not going to collpase. What happened? I thought prices are going to see a significant decline this Septemeber 1st, according to "clotpoll"

"comrade gary Says: August 14th, 2007 at 8:49 pm
Greenbrook Rd, North Caldwell - There was a house listed in the high 800s for about a year or so. It just went up to 929K. Someone, please explain."

I will explain. First off, what's this "comrade" nonsense? We are in the United States, not the Soviet Union!

As far as the price increae, there is a long list of why it could have gone up including:

1. To reflect recent renovations made

2. Sellers felt they under-priced the house

3. To show the buyers who's boss in this market (all right, this is probabaly not the reason, but I like the sound of it)

Well, that is it for tonight! Thank you to everyone who sowhowed up. Tomorrow we will be discussing a lucky seller in Seattle who sold her house in only 6 days! Market collapse? Obvivously she did not get the memo!

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