Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bubble Bloggers Are Rooting for Total Recession! Should Government Be Contacted?

Here is a post written by Keith from Housing Panic. (If you do a Google search of Housing Panic, you will find that most people read it for entertainment, not for information as the site is completely insane, much more insane than NJREREPORT).

"This may disturb some of you. This may surprise some of you. This may disappoint some of you. But it has to be said.

After denying it for sometime, to you dear reader and even to myself, the truth is now clear. And you should now read this blog in the context of what I am about to say.

I am rooting for an epic housing collapse, a disastrous recession, the collapse of the stock market, a complete replacement of our current partisan leadership, a questioning of our country's current economic model, and a severe and historic financial meltdown. Period.

Before, I thought just a correction would do the trick. A cleansing of the debt-and-greed-fueled housing balloon we as a society created. But I've come to the conclusion that will not be enough to right the wrongs and fix the problem, so that future generations will not be burdened with the current generation's misguided and self-centered ways.

Pure and simple, I want Change (with a Capital C), and I now feel that only an historic financial meltdown will create the environment where Americans wake up from their current slumber, and call for new leadership, new thinking, and above all, change.

Something went awry in the US over the past decade. Something changed, with our government, our system, and our collective conscious. And this change was not for the better.

Greed overcame and infected so many of us - the idea of getting rich without working, and an overwhelming need to consume, consume, consume. We no longer worked for the benefit of our common man - we worked only for ourselves. We said "screw the next generation - I want mine, and I want it now!". And we went on a debt-fueled orgy of spending, never stopping to look at the bills coming due, and never stopping to think about the repercussions.

Now, dear reader, it's time to stop. It's time to pause, and consider where we went wrong, and above all, how we can fix it.

So, in conclusion, the fate that awaits us, this cleansing of our ways and of our system, in the form of an epic real estate market and financial collapse, in my simple opinion is a fate of necessity, and will serve as a catalyst for needed Change.

And away we go. Good luck to all of you, and know that I believe that we will come out of this stronger, wiser and determined to Change."


Posts like these definitely indicate that Keith has mental problems and perhaps the authorities need to be contacted before Keith walks into a realtor's office and does something awful. Seriously Keith, please remember to take your Prozac!

Hats off to BloodhoundBlog for devoting some excellent coverage to counter the completely insane comments made by Keith Brand:

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